The DJI Digital HD FPV Goggles is capable of outputting 1200mW of power, which can enable longer distance flights. This is only possible if you put a text file on an sd card and install it in the device.

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To enable the 1000mW and 1200mW modes on your DJI Goggles, you need to create a plain text file called naco_pwr.txt saved on an SD card with the word pwr_2 in the text file. Then insert the SD card into the glasses and turn on the glasses and the Air module. You should then see the new 1000 and 1200 options in the power level settings.

Remember that 25mW is the maximum unlicensed power you are allowed to transmit in many countries around the world, especially in Europe (CE). This means that making this range change without having the necessary permissions to transmit stronger signals would be illegal.

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